Vidyashilp Academy

Expanding Horizons and Perspectives

Unleashing the power of interdisciplinary thinking.

Ensuring real-world readiness

At Vidyashilp Academy, we firmly believe in providing our students with an education that goes beyond borders. That’s why we offer the IGCSE and ICSE curricula, which not only ensure academic excellence but also foster global perspectives. By immersing our students in a diverse range of subjects, including international languages, global history, and cross-cultural studies, we empower them to navigate an increasingly interconnected global society.

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE)

The ICSE curriculum is a powerful pathway to unlock a child’s full potential. Its holistic approach covers a wide range of subjects, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. With practical applications and interactive projects, students gain independence and creativity. Moreover, character development and social awareness are integral parts of the program.

ICSE has been designed to provide an examination in a course of general education in accordance with the recommendations of the Education Policy, 1986, through the medium of English.

ICSE develops skills in:

In-depth curriculum coverage ensures thorough understanding of concepts

Wide range of subject choices for students

Emphasis on developing English fluency and articulation

Focus on practical problem solving skills alongside academic excellence

Global recognition by higher education institutions

Holistic approach to education, nurturing well-rounded individual

Subjects offered:

University of Cambridge International Examinations – Cambridge IGCSE

Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international curriculum for 14-16-year-olds, leading to globally recognized and valued Cambridge IGCSE qualifications. Cambridge IGCSE encourages learner-centered and inquiry-based approaches to learning. It develops learners’ skills in creative thinking, inquiry and problem solving, giving learners excellent preparation for the next stage of their education.

Cambridge IGCSE develops learner knowledge, understanding and skills in:

Subject content

Intellectual enquiry

Cultural awareness

Influencing outcomes

Flexibility and responsiveness to change

Applying knowledge and understanding to familiar and new situations

Working and communicating in English

At VSA, we also build a core curriculum, extend it to suit our students and introduce cross-curricular perspectives. With clearly defined learning outcomes and content, the Cambridge IGCSE is compatible with other curricula and is internationally relevant and sensitive to different needs and cultures.

We offer the following subjects in various combinations:

Group I: Language

Group II: Humanities and Social Sciences

Group III: Sciences

Group IV: Mathemetics

Group V: Creative and Proffessional

Learning Beyond the Classroom

At VSA, we take pride in nurturing curious minds and constantly expanding our learning horizons beyond the confines of traditional classrooms. Our commitment lies in delivering a challenging, globally focused education. With a range of experiential programs meticulously aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, Immersive Industry Visits, or even our Pioneering Shilpreneurship Program, we are committed to providing an education that goes beyond the conventional.

We teach our students how to learn by allowing them to experience new things and then reflect on their experiences.

Growth and Development

Developing life skills, on campus


Sports are an integral part of our curriculum. We have a dedicated sports program where Phase-I students participate in two activities per day. Through this, they develop leadership skills and learn how to work with others towards a common goal. It also helps enhance the general health condition and physical fitness of every student.

Student Council

VSA's student council, elected democratically, fosters a positive school atmosphere. With teacher guidance, they set missions and learn essential leadership and communication skills.


VSA follows a vibrant and diverse Art syllabus as defined by the Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design and the CISCE curriculums. Our students explore a diverse range of disciplines in art and are encouraged to pursue a specialization in Photography or Design in Phase-II.

Community Service

We believe that education is not just about learning from books but also interacting with people from different backgrounds who can broaden one’s horizons. We encourage our students to participate in community service projects that help them understand how their actions impact others around them.
